Krajina Klas’ best known products include the bakery’s version of the most popular bread consumed in Bosnia called Manja Mix, also the name of their retail shops.
Other popular Krajina Klas products are their baguettes made with cornflour as well as the one made with milk powder, resulting in a soft, fluffy bread. And of course, their cakes sell very well – especially their chocolate cream cake, orange cake and wild berry cake.
“Cakes are harder to produce, and the cost of production is high, but the demand is also high,” Nemanja said. “It’s a lucrative market to enter if you can keep the quality of the products high, which we are able to.”
Krajina Klas wanted to expand their product portfolio, so they decided to invest in a FRITSCH MULTIFLEX M 700 paired with the vacuum coilers, the CSV 500, to make filled and unfilled croissants with a high number of coils. These two machines together are synonymous with the highest quality and process reliability during the production of croissants.
A larger number of coils can be achieved by rolling the cut dough pieces out long with an integrated unit before coiling.This enables optimum use of the dough sheet width when cutting the dough pieces.